Hiroyo Kitao Official Website
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  Performance Information
Workshop Information

Workshop1 : Bio Dynamics & Body Conditioning
DANCE PHYSIOTHERAPY... suggestion from consciousness
Focusing on the human body's natural capacity and dynamism changes will provide the guidance in evolving toward self-body care and recognizing body essential potential. Kitao's technique and method are depending on the sensitive subtle reflection and self-healig system. It will be open to dancer, and dedicated general public, who are interesting in the Body Self-Conditioning or having some problem for some movement.
(limit: 10 participants)
Day : 09, July, 2006
Time : 12:00~14:30 (in door),15:00~18:00 (out door)
Fee : 3000 yen
Place : Dance Studio Share
Ogikubo, Tokyo (in door)
    around JR Shinjuku station (out door)
reservation : ・Dance Studio Share
    ・Hiroyo Kitao:
TEL&FAX: +81-(0)42-767-2747

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Workshop 2 : Feel the body & Sense the movement
Searching for steps toward expression through awakening fine sensitivity of body, feeling primitive movement affording to environment, encountering some constantly metamorphosing imagination and body dialogue, and discovering the experience of corporeal thinking. This workshop focuses on the work for noticing the potentiality of (consciousness and sub-consciousness) Sensing, which are changing in the every moment. It will be open to anyone interested in physical expression. (limit: 20 participants)
Hiroyo Kitao TEL&FAX: +81-(0)42-767-2747
5-45-2, Sagamigaoka, Zama-city, Kanagawa, Japan

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Copyright (C) 2005 Hiroyo Kitao.